Monday, April 30, 2007


Well for the first post of my new blog I thought I should talk about something that we all have.....or at least I hope we do.....friends, the other day I was somewhere with D$ and we were just hanging out and I saw everyone that I used to hang out with in my neighborhood....the stoners : P and it really made me think of how we could have bad friends or ones that aren't a Godly influence and we can either choose to hang out with em and think oh they aren't a bad influence and they won't do anything and just ignore them smoking pot right next to us or cussing up a storm. We may think that were not being bothered by it or think were ignoring them but even if we don't know it they are influencing us even if its in the smallest way it will still rub off on us....and if their a bad influence that would not make our walk with God better ....and that's not a good thing. and the choice is ours to decide if we want to stop hanging out with them any more and really try as hard as we can to get closer to God or you can just hang out with em and slowly go downhill and maybe doing things that you will regret for the rest of our lives and we only have 1 life think and pray about it and think about what God would want you to do!!


Curtis said...

nice blog josh!!
i know some other person who hasn't
been blogging in a while... *cough* *cough*... ill get to it :P

because there is so much superfluous language flooding the media and highschools, i remember a time where i was shocked to see my own mind becoming numb to the language of this world... i hope that will never happen again :)

brandy said...

hey josh, i really like the picture on this blog and also you are completly right. i have also hung out with people and still do that isn't the best thing but i am choosing to hangout with more christian friends now so great blog.

Anonymous said...

HMMMMMM! "Preach it!!!", as a good man named Bobby Blakey once said. Wow josh, that was good, and you are right, we should choose to hangout with better friends then the bad ones, as it says in the bible "Bad company corrupts good character." So let us all hang out with Christian friends more than other bad friends. Good blog, I lookk forward to seeing more of this!

D$ said...

Yea I hang out with some bad kids somtimes but mostly christians...somthing we can use in our everyday lives :)

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to disagree with my good friend Matt Crane. I am not a good man. I am a sinner saved by the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ. But I do agree that we should preach friendship like Josh did here!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog Josh. It relates to my life because i still hang out with some of my old friends from when i was 7 years old and they are not a good influence. They used to go to church, but they stopped and they are nowhere near God. I should probably try and preach the Gospel to them and if they don't care i will just have to leave them. So thanks for the cool blog. It has made me realize more about my friends.

Anonymous said...

nice job josh!